
Over 8 million Ugandans lack access to safe water. This lack of water affects the health of the Ugandan people, their productivity and the economy (Source: UNICEF). In Mukono and Muhanga districts where ROTOM operates, scarcity of water is very evident among many older persons’ households. As a result, they are forced to go to Bushes, swamps, ponds, and springs in search for water. They are aware that this water is contaminated but it is the only choice they have. And for each journey they make, their health and safety continue to be at risk.

ROTOM’s goal is for every supported older person to access at least 60 litres of clean water per day within 200 meters from their house. In this effort, ROTOM started a Water Campaign to provide every supported older person’s household with a 1000 litre rainwater harvest system to enable them harvest and store rainwater for home use. Over 500 water tanks have been installed since the start of this campaign in 2019, and those who have benefited have been greatly helped. However, the need is still great. 

Will you make a donation to support the ROTOM Water Campaign?